Take this free Respiratory Therapist practice exam to test your knowledge of respiratory therapy subjects.
The Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam is a standardized certification exam administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care and used to certify respiratory therapists.
The TMC exam sections below are based on actual exam sections: Patient Data, Trouble Shooting, Quality Control of Devices, Infection Control and Initiation and Modification of Interventions.
is Director of the Respiratory Therapy Program at the Pima Medical
... Institute in Colorado. more
Taya Haas, CRT, RRT,
is adjunct faculty at Mid-State Technical College in Wisconsin where
... she instructs respiratory therapy students on standards set by the NBRC.more
Chris Reid, CRT, RRT
is a Respiratory Therapy Instructor for the United States Air Force
... at Gulfport Memorial Hospital.more
The Respiratory Therapist Multiple Choice exam contains 160 multiple-choice questions. A test taker is give 3 hours to complete the exam and a score of 88 is needed to pass for CRT and 92 for the RRT.