Prepare for the MBLEx using this expert written practice exam with answers fully explained for ideal study.
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Can be used with smartphones, Ipads and other devices. Complements other study materials. Pass or get your money back –guaranteed.
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1. Expert Exam Writers | Our practice exams are written by experts in their field with top experience, education and overall credentials (see top right column of this page) so our content quality is second to none. Our material is human expert created. If you're comparing our practice exam to another company's, do you know who wrote their material? Is the other company material written by unreliable AI content generators? | ? | |
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4.Customer Satisfaction | Our return rate is only about 3% compared to an e-commerce average of about 8%. Example: "Thanks for your product. I used it quite a bit and passed the test the first time!!!" - Brad. It is no wonder we have an A BBB rating. | ? | |
5. Support & Service | Our subject matter experts, editors and customer and technical support teams are responsive to your needs and dedicated to you passing your exam the first time. Testimonial: "I have & will continue to refer your testing service to people... I appreciate your diligence and the fact that you cared enough tocontact me again... Your customer service & dedication to your customers is what has obviously kept you successful."- Hope | ? | |
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Optionally simulate exam conditions. TestSIM™ is easy and flexible to use. More... | NO |
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With TestNOTES™, you have the option to type notes for any question for instant reinforcement & later review. | NO | |
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Our Focus Flash Cards™ online study system allows you to customize your study by time, section(s) and more. Create/share your own too. Not included in our Cogat or Postal Practice Exams. | NO | |
10. Study Mode Option | You have the option to test with instant prompts for incorrect answers and explanations of correct answers. | ? | |
11. Prep What You Need | Choose the whole test or practice by the section. Unlike subscription products, our material covers what you need to know without redundancy. | ? | |
12. Easy Read Questions | Your online account format displays one question at a time. See Example. | ? | |
13. Flexible Testing | Set the number of questions and time limit to your needs OR simulate your actual exam. Choose Sequential or Random question order. See Example. | ? | |
14. Instant Scoring | The Online format automatically scores your test as you go and when complete. | ? | |
15. Reporting / Stats | View your results and track progress in real time with easy to read tables and graphs. See Example. | ? | |
16. Test / Exam Review | A great reference for the who, what, why, where and how of the actual exam. | ? | |
17. Testing Tips | Specific action tips to improve your score. | ? | |
18. Printable | Our exams can be downloaded and printed. | ? | |
19.Computer / Tablet / Phone | Guaranteed to work with your device or money back. | ? | |
20. Audio Enabled | Our Focus FlashCards Online Study System is audio enabled so you can walk on the beach and listen to your flash cards, advancing them as you want or setting them on autoplay. | ? | |
21. University Tested | Our system is so good that colleges and universities use it to prepare their graduating students for their certification exams. | ? | |
22. Proven Results | Since 2011, has helped millions of people prepare for their tests. | ? | |
23. Future Online Testing | provides study aids for over 50 industries. Get one test system to take your tests with unlimited access. | ? | |
24. 100% Pass Guarantee | Pass your exam - guaranteed or your money back. Also, if you are not satisfied for any reason, let us know and you will receive a full refund. Either way, there is no risk to you for trying. Click here for details. | ? | |
25. Best Overall Buy | Overall, only offers these 25 Key Advantages and guarantees your results. | NO |
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MBLEx is a trademark of the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) that did not produce or endorse this material.
As with any exam preparation, use multiple study sources (text books, class notes, etc.) for best results.
"Just to say thanks for your MBLEx study exam...I feel it was invaluable in passing the exam on the 18th...857/900 so I am pleased with that. Thank You!" -
"My son had taken the MBLEx for massage therapy 4 times and could not pass... He signed up to take the test a 5th time and this time I purchased your online study program. HE PASSED WITH A HIGHER SCORE THAN HE COULD EVEN BELIEVE!! Your programs work incredibly well and I am so pleased. Thank you. I will pass your site on to anyone I know who needs to test." - Angela P.
"Some practice exams have over two thousand questions which makes things much more complicated and discouraging... I've spent lots of money on practice exams and study guides only to find myself "overwhelmed" with questions and topics I've never heard of! I've taken the practice exam on this site and discovered that these questions are the closest to what I've learned in school." - Milton T.
"I appreciate the customer service, it has been excellent and greatly appreciated." - Caitlin K.
"I want to let you know that I took my test today, and passed it. Thank you for the help." - Patricia N.
"Thanks for your product. I used it quite a bit and passed the test the first time!!! I actually scored a 793 on the test thanks to your program. Best $39.95 I've ever spent!" - Brad - MBLEx
"...great job on the practice test for MBLEx! Truly is a great studying tool." - Kali G.
"I have & will continue to refer your testing service to people... I appreciate your diligence and the fact that you cared enough to contact me again... Your customer service & dedication to your customers is what has obviously kept you successful." - Hope
"I appreciate your outstanding customer service!" - Tracy P
"Thanks to this prep I passed my MBLEx! Content covered all areas and was very helpful." - Malory P.
" “Just wanted to inform that I passed my test (Medical Assistant) with a score of 86 on today. Thank you for the assistance. I'll be sure to refer your website to others.” " - Betty
"Just wanted to say..... thank you! I am a horrible test taker.... and I passed the massage test on the first try and had 40 mins to spare. Your practice tests help me prepare for the hardest exam I have ever took. Thanks again!" - Nichol