Michigan Electrician Exam

To get licensed in Michigan, electricians are required to take an exam that covers such subjects as circuits, conductors, grounding, lighting and safety. Whether you live in Detroit or Ann Arbor or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started on the path to receive your electrician's license.
The need of a License: Anyone performing electrician work in Michigan must be a resident of the state and licensed unless exempted. The cities of Grand Rapids and Detroit issue the licenses locally.
Qualifications and Exam Requirements
- Hold a master electrician's license or has not less than 1 master electrician residing in this state who is in his or her full-time employ.
- Out-of-state corporations will not qualify for a contractor's license unless they employ a master electrician residing in the state of Michigan.
- Pass the examination.
Master Electrician
- Must be at least 22 years old
- Have held an electrical journeyman's license for not less than 2 years.
- Have not less than 12,000 hours of experience obtained over a period of not less than 6 years related to electrical construction, the maintenance of buildings, or electrical wiring or equipment under the supervision of a master electrician.
- Pass the examination.
- See Licensing Guide
Journeyman Electrician
- Must be at least 20 years of age.
- Have not less than 8,000 hours of practical experience obtained over a period of not less than 4 years related to electrical construction or maintenance of buildings or electrical wiring or equipment under the direct supervision of a licensed person (Maximum credit of 2,000 hours per year.)
- Credit may be provided for graduation from or attendance at a recognized training or educational program.
- Pass the examination.
- See Licensing Guide
Who Grants a License: Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes
How to Apply for the License
Contractor – License Application
Master Electrician - License Application
Journeyman Electrician - License Application
Test Content
The contractor exam will have 40 questions that have to be answered in 1 ½ hours. A sore of 75% is needed to pass.
Master and Journeyman
The Journey examination covers basic knowledge of the electrical industry as outlined below. The Master examination covers additional knowledge required to plan and supervise electrical installations as outlined below. The content areas will include:
- General electrical trade knowledge including terminology and practical calculations.
- System and circuit grounding.
- Circuit classifications and ratings and design
- Ampacity, type of insulation, usage requirements, methods of installation, protection, support, and termination.
- Installation of motors and control circuits.
- The calculation of electrical loads and determination of proper size, rating, and type of service and feeder conductors.
- Fuses, circuit breakers, and protective devices for conductors and equipment.
- Raceways
- Circuits and equipment characterized by usage and electrical power limitations
- Lighting fixtures, ratings, requirements for occupancies and clearances.
- State laws, rules and code amendments
The master exam is 3 hours long and has 75 questions.
The journeyman exam is 2.5 hours long and has 80 questions.
A score of 75% is needed to pass the master or journeyman exam.
Fees: There are fees to obtain a license.
Who administers the test: PSI
License Renewal Requirements
Contractor - Triennial
Master Electrician - Annual, by March 1 of each year
Journeyman Electrician - Annual, by March 1 of each year.
Applicable Code: NEC 2017