Kentucky Electrician Exam

To get licensed in Kentucky, electricians are required to take an exam that covers such subjects as circuits, conductors, grounding, lighting and safety. Whether you live in Louisville or Lexington or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started on the path to receive your electrician’s license.
Need of a License: Licenses are required for electricians, master electricians and electrical contractors. Licenses are issued by the Electrical Division of the Kentucky Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction.
Qualifications and Exam Requirements
- Proof of passing test results.
- Certificate of Liability Insurance (min of $500,000 general liability).
- Workers' compensation or notarized waiver.
When contracting with the public to perform electrical work an electrical contractor license is required. Only licensed electrical contractors may request electrical permits.
An electrical contractor who is not a licensed electrician is required to employ at least one master electrician.
Master Electrician
- Proof of passing test results.
- Notarized proof of eight years six years of work experience and completion of an approved training program (at least 576 hours of classroom training) or an additional two years of work experience.
- All electrical contractors must employ at least one master electrician. Master electricians are responsible for all electrical work performed under their supervision.
Journeyman Electrician
- Proof of passing test results.
- Notarized proof of six years four years of work experience and completion of an approved training program (at least 576 hours of classroom training) or an additional two years of work experience.
- All electrical work must be performed by, or under the supervision of, a licensed electrician or master electrician. In order to work unsupervised, an electrical worker must be a licensed electrician.
How to Apply for the License
Licensing forms can be found here.
Test Content
The licensing exams have the following content:
- Business Structure Practices and Licensing
- Estimating and Bidding
- Contractors and Acceptance
- Project Management and Planning
- Financing and Recordkeeping
- Insurance and Bonding
- Labor Law and Personnel Policies
- Tax, Lien Laws, and Dispute Resolution
- Safety and OSHA Compliance
- General Knowledge
- Electrical References, any edition Feeders
- Branch Circuits and Conductors
- Wiring Methods and Materials
- Equipment and Devices
- Control Devices
- Motors and Generators
- Special Occupancies, Equipment, and Conditions
Passing Grade: 70%
Exam Details: Open Book. Business & Law: 1.5 hours; 30 questions
Candidate Booklet: ICC Contractor/Trades Candidate Booklet
Master Electrician
- Business Structure Practices and Licensing
- Estimating and Bidding
- Contractors and Acceptance
- Project Management and Planning
- Financing and Recordkeeping
- Insurance and Bonding
- Labor Law and Personnel Policies
- Tax, Lien Laws, and Dispute Resolution
- Safety and OSHA Compliance
- General Knowledge
- Electrical References, any edition Feeders
- Branch Circuits and Conductors
- Wiring Methods and Materials
- Equipment and Devices
- Control Devices
- Motors and Generators
- Special Occupancies, Equipment, and Conditions
Passing Grade: 75%
Exam Details: Open Book, 5 hours; 100 questions
Candidate Booklet: ICC Contractor/Trades Candidate Booklet
Journeyman Electrician
- General Knowledge
- Electrical References, any edition Feeders
- Branch Circuits and Conductors
- Wiring Methods and Materials
- Equipment and Devices
- Control Devices
- Motors and Generators
- Special Occupancies, Equipment, and Conditions
Passing Grade: 70%
Exam Details: Open Book, 4 hours; 80 questions
Candidate Booklet: ICC Contractor/Trades Candidate Booklet:
Fees: There are fees to obtain a license.
Who administers the test: Pearson VUE 1-877-234-6082
License Renewal Requirements
Contractor: Annual, renewed on or before last day of licensee's birth month.
For electrical contractor licenses issued to corporations, partnerships, or business entities without a birth month, the renewal month shall be the month the license was issued.
Master Electrician: Annual, on or before the last day of the licensee's birth month.
Journeyman Electrician: Annual on or before the last day of the licensee's birth month.
Each category requires 6 hours of continuing education.
Applicable Code: NEC 2017
Electrical Licensing
Office of Housing, Buildings, and Construction
101 Sea Hero Road, Suite 100
Frankfort, KY 40601-5405
(502) 573-2002
(502) 573-1057 fax