Iowa Electrician Exam

To get licensed in Iowa, electricians are required to take an exam that covers such subjects as circuits, conductors, grounding, lighting and safety. Whether you live in Ames or Des Moines or Iowa City or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started on the path to receive your electrician's license.
Need of a License: The Iowa Department of Public Safety, State Fire Marshall Division is now licensing all electricians and electrical contractors.
The Electrical Examining Board has created the following four endorsements for the Special Electrician License:
- Wiring Irrigation Systems
- Disconnecting and Reconnecting Existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
- Sign Installer
- Residential Electrician
The Electrical Examining Board tentatively approves a schedule of fees for licenses to be issued by the Board.
- Affiliated with an electrical contracting firm or business who is licensed by the board as either a Class A or Class B
- Master Electrician and who is also registered with the state of Iowa as a contractor
Master Electrician
- Qualifications and technical knowledge to properly plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring and equipment for light, heat, and power.
- Class A - License was obtained by written supervised examination and is not subject to the restrictions of a Class B license
- Class B - License is granted by proven experience. License is subject to restrictions by the board and local political subdivisions
Journeyman Electrician
- Has necessary qualifications to wire for or install electrical wiring and equipment.
- Class A - License was obtained by written supervised examination and is not subject to the restrictions of a Class B license
- Class B - License is granted by proven experience. License is subject to restrictions by the board and local political subdivisions
How to Apply for the License
Contractor, journeyman and master electrician license application information can be found here.
Test Content
The electrician exams have the following content:
Master Electrician
- General Electrical Knowledge
- Wiring and Protection
- Wiring Methods and Materials
- Equipment for General Use
- Special Occupancies
- Special Equipment
- Special Conditions
- Communication Systems
Testing NEC Edition 2017
Passing Grade: 75%
Exam Details: Open Book, 100 questions, 4 hours
Journeyman Electrician
- General Electrical Knowledge
- Wiring and Protection
- Wiring Methods and Materials
- Equipment for General Use
- Special Occupancies
- Special Equipment
- Special Conditions
Passing: Grade 75%
Exam Details: Open Book, 80 questions, 3 hours
Do not submit the Sponsorship Request Form until one month prior to being ready to sit for the exam. Upon verification of eligibility, the applicant will receive an authorization code that must be used to schedule the exam. Once you receive the code, you can register your exam online. Then, with your newly registered exam code, log onto the PSI website to schedule your exam at: 1-800-733-9267.
Testing NEC Edition 2017
Fees: There are fees to get licensed in Iowa.
License Renewal Requirements: Contractor, journeyman and master electrician renewal is triennial.
Applicable Code: NEC 2020
Iowa Division of Labor Services
1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319-0209
(515) 242-5871 or (800) 562-4692 ext 25871
(515) 281-7995 fax
Iowa Department of Public Safety
State Fire Marshal Division
401 SW 7th Street, Suite N
Des Moines, IA 50308-4631
(515) 281-5821
(515) 242-6299 fax
To prepare for your electrician exam, use the following two practice exams by Ray Holder (Master Electrician and Certified Electrical Trade Instructor) which have 300 questions with fully explained answers:
For more information on licensing and exam prep, go to's Journeyman and Master Electrician Test Guide.
And take's free Journeyman Electrician Practice Test and the Master Electrician Practice Test.
For electrician exam preparation products and services, such as study guides, practice tests, flashcards and courses, go to's Journeyman Electrician Exam and Master Electrician Exam listings.