2025 Edition

Real Estate Practice Tests

Take this free real estate practice test to see what type of questions are on real estate agent and real estate broker licensing exams.

Real Estate Agent Exam

1. Real estate is considered to be immobile and indestructible. Another physical characteristic of all real estate parcels is that they _____________.
2. A covenant that becomes part of the property rights and binds successive property owners is a covenant that _____________.
3. When a property owner's fence rests on the land belonging to the adjacent property owner, the fence is _____________ on the adjacent property.
4. Legally, what is the nature of agency relationships between listing brokers and sellers?
5. Which of the following is pre-determined compensation that may be due to the seller if the buyer defaults on a real estate purchase contract?

Real Estate Broker Exam

6. A real estate broker verbally agreed to split a commission with an unlicensed person.
7. The broker's duty to make sure all money matters associated with any transaction are carefully tracked is the broker's duty of _____.
8. A contract performed fully as stipulated in the contract document is _____.
9. A water company's right to run a water line through private property would most likely be _____.
10. An ALTA policy of title insurance protects the _____.

Real Estate Agent License Practice Test Kit

Real Estate Broker Practice Test

California Real Estate Agent Exam (CalDRE)

FL Real Estate Sales Associate Exam

New Jersey Real Estate Salesperson Exam

Quality starts with who wrote the material.
Our practice exam writer :
Lisa Risco
PA Real Estate Instructor

Lisa is a licensed real estate broker from Pennsylvania who teaches real estate classes at the Polley Associates School of Real Estate.  She has worked with Re/Max and Century 21 in Philadelphia. Lisa received her MBA degree from Eastern University.
Our material is specific to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Salesperson Exam, covering both the National and State sections with these content areas: 
  • Legal Descriptions
  • Property Use
  • Forms of Ownership
  • Recording of Title
  • Property Appraisal
  • Contracts
  • Agency
  • Financing
  • Transfer of Property
  • Disclosures
  • Settlment
  • Real Estate Practice
  • and more..