2025 Edition

Journeyman Plumber Practice Exam - 2024 Codes


Administrative Policies and Procedures

1. Who is authorized to interpret the local plumbing code?
2. A plumbing permit is required for the replacement of which of the following?
3. Alterations to an existing plumbing system must not ___________________.
4. Approved plans are required to be kept on a job site and available for inspection on demand by a code officer.
5. The replacement of a water heater requires a plumbing permit and a code inspection.
6. Assume that you are making minor repairs to a residential plumbing system. In this case you are replacing a kitchen faucet, repairing a dripping valve in the water distribution system and replacing the lower element in an electric water heater. Based on this scenario, which of the following is true?
7. Only master plumbers are allowed to obtain plumbing permits.
8. The use of previously used plumbing materials is prohibited for second use in a plumbing system.
9. Who is allowed to apply for a plumbing permit?
10. Assume that you will be involved as a plumber in the demolition of a structure. This work will require that all utilities to the building be cut off and separated from the systems within the building. When this is the case a plumber must remove any existing water meter provided by a municipality in the water distribution system and any sewer connection to a building sewer.
11. For the issuance of a plumbing permit which of the following is normally required?
12. Once you obtain a journeyman plumbing license you are entitled to operate as a self-employed, full-service plumber.
13. Assume that a plumbing permit has been issued for the plumbing of a new home. The plumbing contractor has been waiting longer than expected for the building contractor to have the home ready for plumbing work to begin. There is a chance that the plumbing permit could become invalid if work is not started soon. At what point after a plumbing permit is issued can it become invalid if work is not begun?
14. Alterations made in an existing plumbing system are required to comply with current code requirements for plumbing systems.
15. Assume that a plumbing permit was issued for a new plumbing installation. The work started about one month after the permit was issued. During the rough-in phase of plumbing the property owner ran into financial problems and was forced to put the project on hold. At what point from the time that plumbing work was stalled can the permit be rendered invalid?
16. It is a violation of the plumbing code to change the use of a property. As an example, if a residential home is converted to professional office space it is a violation of the plumbing code.
17. Which of the following requires a journeyman plumbing license?
18. The provisions for licensing are determined by which of the following:
19. An application for a building permit on a job which includes new plumbing must include all of the following, except:
20. In situations where general provisions of the code conflict with more specific provisions of the code, which shall prevail?
21. A plumbing system may be ordered to be removed by the plumbing authority if the following exists:
22. Who, or whom, has the authority to disconnect a plumbing system from utilities in the event of an immediate hazard to life or property?
23. A plumbing permit is required if the following work is to be performed:
24. The code enforcement office may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit if:
25. Which of the following mediums can be used to test a water supply system using PVC?
26. A water test is being utilized to test a drainage and vent system in a home. Which of the following statements are true with regards to carrying out the test?
27. The standards differ between a jurisdiction's plumbing code and building code on a plumbing issue involved in a construction project. Which code should be followed on a plumbing matter covered by the plumbing code?
28. The manufacturer's instructions for the installation of a faucet are more stringent than and conflict with the provisions of the more general standards of the plumbing code. Which should the plumber follow?

General Regulations

29. When a plumbing permit is required for work to be done, the acquisition of the permit must be done ___________________.
30. All plumbing permit applications are required to be signed by ____________________.
31. Many local code jurisdictions require a site plan before any work is done on an existing sewer or water service.
32. Your boss has asked you to create a schedule for maintenance on a large building. How often should backflow preventers be inspected?
33. Plumbing inspectors issue Stop Work Orders for which of the following reasons?
34. Code enforcement officials are empowered to condemn the use of a building for its present use.
35. Trusses must not be _______________.
36. You have been left to connect a building drain to a sewer and wait for the plumbing inspector to approve the connection. Then you are to bury the pipe. What is the minimum depth of cover required over the crown of a buried pipe?
37. Consider this example. Jeff is a master plumber. He has been asked to provide plumbing for a warehouse that will be located in an area subject to flooding. The warehouse will have a concrete floor and will have only one level of service area. Most of the plumbing will be installed below the concrete floor. Given the risk of potential flooding, Jeff is required to protect against which of the following?
38. When installing underground piping in soil that may be corrosive, any piping installed must be protected from the risk of corrosion.
39. It is generally recommended that plumbing systems be installed above a designated flood hazard area. However, special provisions can be made that allows some plumbing to be installed below a design flood elevation. Which of the following is allowed to be installed below a design flood elevation?
40. Spencer is installing a new plumbing system. The building drain will exit the foundation below a concrete footing. Foundation walls are to be made of poured concrete. The plans and specifications call for three exterior hose bib connections. This will require three piping penetrations through the upper section of the concrete walls on each side of the building and one pipe penetration through the wall on a lower section where the walk-out basement will not be backfilled as high as it will be on the sides. There will be a total of four pipe penetrations in various locations. Each pipe is required to be protected by a sleeve as the pipe penetrates an exterior wall. What is the minimum size of the sleeve required or the minimum protection for the penetration?
41. Plumbing installed below ground level must be protected from freezing temperatures. The frost line where freezing stops penetrating the ground varies from climate to climate. Assume you are installing a pipe where a frost line is involved. Which of the following depths below the frost line would comply with the minimum requirements of the code?
42. The direction of the flow is not relevant to the installation of valves, pipes and fittings.
43. What is the maximum distance allowed between pipe hangers when supporting 2 inch horizontal drain-waste-and-vent (DWV) piping that is made of ABS or PVC?
44. Assume that you are updating an existing plumbing system. The old plumbing contains various types of piping. There is copper DWV piping, cast iron DWV piping and galvanized steel DWV piping. Water distribution piping is installed with Type M copper tubing and brass piping. You want to use PVC pipe for your DWV work and Type L copper tubing for your water distribution piping. Which of the following connectors will the plumbing code allow you to use on the DWV piping?
45. Mechanical joints are prohibited from joining materials of different types.
46. How much grade is required on the fall of a drainage line for a condensate pipe?
47. The liquid combustion byproducts of condensing appliances must be collected and discharged to an approved plumbing fixture or disposal area in accordance with which of the following?
48. Equipment containing evaporators must be provided with a condensate drainage system.
49. An auxiliary drain pan for a condensate system must be equipped with which of the following?
50. Which of the following types of materials may be used for condensate drainage?
51. What is the minimal diameter of piping used for a condensate drainage system?
52. Condensate drain lines can develop blockages as a result of debris and biological growth in the system. The proper way to access the inside of the condensate drain line to clean it is to cut the line and clear the blockage with compressed gas, such as air or nitrogen.
53. Which of the following mediums may be used for testing cast iron DWV systems for leaks?
54. Which of the following statements concerning pipe, tubing or fittings is NOT accurate, according to Code?
55. A journeyman plumber has the authority to perform all of the following plumbing work except:
56. An indirect connection from a floor drain or sump pump at the bottom of an elevator shaft to the plumbing system can be achieved by a ____________________________.
57. With respect to plumbing systems, all materials used must have the approval of which of the following:
58. All pipe used in plumbing applications will have all of the following markings except:
59. Pipe ends should be reamed or deburred because, if not, which of the following may result?
60. Which of the following fittings may be used in a vent system but not in a drainage system?
61. An example of a DWV fitting used in a drainage system in a prohibitive manner is a __________.
62. Plumbing drainage passing through concrete footings and foundation walls need to be protected by ___________.
63. You are sent out on a commercial job to install pipe hangers for 1" PEX tubing. For this type of pipe your hangers must be spaced ___________ apart.
64. What does ASME stand for?


65. Which of the following are included as part of the minimum plumbing fixtures that must be installed in a single-family residence?
66. You have been called in to install rough plumbing for a multi-family building. The structure houses four apartments. Which of the following is not required to be installed in individual rental units?
67. Assuming local code requires one toilet for men and one for women, how many toilets are required for a daycare facility that houses 15 people?
68. What is the maximum distance an employee of a department store in a shopping mall should have to walk to reach a suitable restroom facility?
69. All hospitals are required to have a minimum of two water services. However, the two water services are allowed to connect to a single water main.
70. Which of the following structures are likely to require the installation of handicap plumbing fixtures?
71. Your job has you roughing in plumbing for a public restroom. The general contractor wants you to install two toilets, one urinal, one shower and one drinking fountain in the restroom for males. The female bathroom will not have a urinal, but it will require a bidet. Which of the following is not allowed to be installed in a public restroom?
72. You are new to plumbing applications where handicap fixtures are required. Special requirements for these fixtures exist, but you are not sure what they are. Will you find the answers to all of your questions in the plumbing code or the building code?
73. What is the likely height of a handicap toilet?
74. The accessible travel route for people going to use public plumbing facilities must not pass through a kitchen.
75. Which of the following describes a specific type of toilet?
76. What is the minimum distance required in front of an accessible lavatory?
77. You are sent to install and ADA accessible wall-hung lavatory on a commercial job. After mounting the wall hanger bracket, you must be sure the measurement of the rim of the lavatory does not exceed ___________________ above the floor upon installation.
78. What is the maximum height allowed for a kitchen sink when it is being installed for accessible purposes?
79. Toilet facilities must be installed along accessible routes in an office building. The distance to be traveled to reach the facilities must not exceed 300 feet.
80. What is the maximum distance that a lavatory faucet for accessible use can be placed from the front edge of a lavatory?
81. What is the maximum pressure allowed as the force needed to operate a handle on a handicap faucet?
82. Which of the following is required to be installed with a bathtub that is used for a handicap installation?
83. What is the minimum length requirement for a hose that serves a personal shower unit in a handicap bathing unit?
84. Assume that you are installing a sink in a public bathroom. The sink is to be installed in a custom-made base cabinet that contains two doors that open outward. Plumbing code requirements dictate certain requirements for fixtures than can involve the cabinet design of the cabinet housing the fixture. In this case a plumber should check the toe clearance of the kitchen cabinet. There must be a minimum of nine inches high and seventeen inches deep that will allow for toe space.
85. What is the maximum width of a seat in a shower that is installed for handicap use?
86. Where water dispensers or bottle filling stations are permitted as an alternative to a drinking fountain, up to how many drinking fountains may be substituted?
87. Assume that you are installing a standard bidet. This is not meant to be a handicap installation. You will also be installing a toilet beside the bidet. There is a wall to the right of the proposed bidet location. Additionally, there is a bathtub already in place to the left of the proposed toilet location. You have to determine the minimum spacing requirements between fixtures to be code compliant. How much space is required from the center of the drain for the bidet from the nearest fixture or wall?
88. When plumbing inspectors are inspecting the installation of plumbing fixtures, they may consider which of the following in their decisions to approve or reject an installation?
89. Assume that you are working on a job that is new construction. The time has come to install toilets. You have heard of reverse traps on toilets. Since you want to show your knowledge, you ask the supervising plumber what type of toilets will be installed. He tells you that siphon jet toilets are going to be used. Toilets that are equipped with reverse traps are no longer approved by current plumbing codes.
90. The bolts used to secure a toilet to a closet flange should be made of which of the following materials?
91. What is the minimum unobstructed opening of egress when a shower door is installed for a typical shower?
92. Assume that you have been hired to install a shower valve. The customer wants a shower valve that will reduce the risk of a scalding risk. Which of the following should you install?
93. Your job calls for you to install plumbing for a handicap tub-shower combination. Part of your job involves the installation of grab bars. You will, of course, be installing a valve/faucet for the bathing unit. The lowest grab bar is intended to be mounted 9 inches above the flood-level rim of the fixture. The shower valve should be installed at least 6 inches above the grab bar in that section of the bathing unit.
94. Which of the following types of devices are approved to block the waste outlet of a bathtub?
95. Which of the following is required with the installation of a whirlpool bathtub?
96. Dishwasher installations require the use of which of the following?
97. You and your plumber have just finished installing seven drinking units in a commercial building. The plumber tells you to go to each fixture and check to see that the water being delivered for drinking is high enough. You must ensure that the water delivery is at the front of the fixture and that the water flows upwards for a minimum distance of four inches.
98. The drainage hose from a clothes washing machine should discharge into which of the following:
99. What is the minimum diameter of a drain pipe allowed to be for a residential garbage disposal?
100. What is the minimum diameter of a drain that will receive the waste from a floor drain?
101. Bidets must be equipped with an approved device on the incoming water pipe to prevent back siphonage.
102. Which of the following drain pipe sizes meets code for a shower drain?
103. The minimum waste outlet size for a bathtub with a shower is:
104. What is the minimum height requirement for a shower wall above the shower drain?
105. When sheet lead is used to line a shower pan that will have a poured concrete base and tile finish, the lead must not weigh less than _______ pounds per square foot.
106. When a drinking fountain is installed in a public restroom the fixture must have a minimum distance of 15 inches from the side of the fountain to the center of a toilet.
107. Ballcock assemblies for residential toilet must be which of the following?
108. Sheet copper can be used as a liner for a built-up shower. This is a suitable alternative to sheet lead. What is the minimum weight requirement for sheet copper used for this purpose based on a one square foot section of the material?
109. A plumber is installing a commercial garbage disposer. Which of the following drain sizes will meet code?
110. The removal of a strainer on a water pressure regulator can involve the disconnecting of the supply piping and must be accessible.
111. Garbage can washers are required to be fitted with which of the following?
112. How many urinals may one flush valve serve?
113. Which of the following water closet designs are not allowed for commercial use?
114. Another name for a clinical sink in a health-care installation is which for the following?
115. Assume that you are sent to a job where you are to install a medical sterilizer in a healthcare facility. There are a number of code requirements related to medical sterilizers. Which of the following is required for the installation of a sterilizer?
116. The plumbing codes use terms "accessible" and "readily accessible" and they are considerably different. In order to comply with the code, you must understand the difference. What does readily accessible mean? Choose from the following options.
117. Which of the following locations is suitable for the installation of vacuum fluid-suction systems?
118. A clinical sink that depends on trap siphonage to discharge its wastes contents is required to have:
119. What is the minimum height above a flood-level rim of a fixture that a vacuum breaker is allowed to be installed?
120. Which of the following is the most common type of backflow prevention device installed in hospitals?
121. Which of the following is not true regarding compliance with ADA Accessibility toilet requirements for adults?
122. Toilets installed in public restrooms should be rated at no more than ___________ gallons per flush?
123. You are installing the rough-in for an ADA compliant urinal. What is the maximum rim height above the floor you need to consider for the urinal upon final installation when roughing-in the drain outlet?
124. Which of the following water temperatures meet code for a public lavatory?
125. To control the maximum water temperature on a public lavatory, which of the following is not permissible by Code?
126. The minimum clearance for a public lavatory, or water closet, from the side wall or partition to its center is _______________________.
127. The minimum clearance for a lavatory, or water closet, from the side wall or partition to its center is _______________________.
128. Approved toilet bolts should be made of _____________________.
129. The minimum distance between adjacent fixtures (center to center) in a public restroom, other than accessible fixtures, is _____________________.
130. Which of the following types of plumbing connections in concealed spaces would require installation of an access panel?
131. In order to eliminate trap siphonage or sudsing in other fixtures downstream from a domestic clothes washing machine, a(n) _________________________ should be installed.
132. The discharge hose from a domestic washing machine must connect to the drain standpipe in the following manner:
133. Domestic clothes washer manufacturers were once required by code to have a(n) _____________________ on their product.
134. Because domestic clothes washer manufacturers are no longer required to comply with ASSE 1007, many plumbing inspectors require a(n) _______________________ on the water connections to the washer.
135. All bath tubs must have a minimum drain size of what diameter pipe?
136. As a means of draining, bath tubs may have a ________ in addition to the waste connection on the drain.
137. Code requires which of the following between the tub filler spout and flood rim of the tub?
138. The hot water temperature serving a bidet should not exceed _____________________ degrees.
139. To prevent possible back siphonage on a bidet, a/an ____________________ should be installed.
140. The water supply to a commercial dishwashing machine must have which two of the following backflow protection devices or methods?
141. The flushing fluid temperature of an emergency eye wash is specified by Code to be __________.
142. Which of the following is not required of emergency eye wash and shower stations?
143. The water supply to a commercial food waste grinder should be protected against backflow by a backflow preventer or a/an _____________________________________.
144. Most grinder manufacturers recommend _________________ water to effectively flush grease and food contents through grinder.
145. You are determining the minimum number of fixtures needed in a building renovation based on the occupant load. How should the occupant load be divided to account for men and women?
146. What is the minimum diameter of a P-trap allowed for a public lavatory?
147. Which of the following fixtures is required by Code to have an approved water temperature device installed?
148. Which of the following types of urinals is no longer Code approved?
149. Shower and tub faucets must _______________________.

Indirect and Special Wastes

150. Which of the following types of fixtures may have requirements for an indirect waste connection?
151. You are working with an indirect waste receptor. It is up to you to determine if a trap is needed and where it should be placed. Which of the following lengths of indirect waste piping should be trapped?
152. Buildings that require a system for the handling of special waste are required to have two drainage systems. One system is for used with special wastes, like chemical waste. The second system is to be used for normal sanitary drainage needs.
153. Which of the following is considered to be the best method for connecting an indirect waste to a sanitary drainage system?
154. Which of the following types of drainage tubing do not require a trap?
155. When an air break is being created, the discharge hose from a fixture being served by the drain receptor is required to penetrate the receptor to a point where at least two inches of the discharge tube are below the trap seal.
156. You are plumbing a new house. Part of the plumbing system includes the installation of DWV piping for a clothes washer. The fixture is going to discharge its wastewater into an indirect waste that will be trapped and vented. The minimum required height of the receptor standpipe is _______ inches.
157. Standpipes for automatic clothes washing machines must have a minimum diameter of two inches. The drains for these standpipes are required to travel their developed length in their full diameter and enter into a drainage branch or stack that has a minimum diameter of ______. The vent for a washing machine standpipe can be as small as 1.5 inches in diameter.
158. A wye-branch fitting is approved to accept the waste from an air gap for a domestic dishwasher when the wye-branch fitting is connected to an end-outlet waste for a kitchen sink.
159. During a rough-in installation you notice that an indirect waste receptor is called for in the room where you are installing a DWV system. At the same time, you see a requirement for what is normally a prohibited fixture when it is installed in the same room as an indirect waste. What type of fixture is it that you are questioning?
160. Which of the following locations is not an acceptable location for an indirect waste receptor?
161. Assume that you are installing plumbing for floor drains in a walk-in refrigerator or freezer. The building where this is occurring is a food service establishment. You are working under the normal plumbing code guidelines. In this case, no exceptions have been made. Is it true that the floor drains must connect to the sanitary drainage system through an air gap?
162. You have just installed a commercial dishwashing machine and have been asked by the property owner to set the temperature for the water at 140 degrees F. What is the maximum allowable temperature for hot water used in commercial dishwashing machines?
163. Which of the following types of building usage are most likely to create a need for special wastes?
164. Clear water waste from a potable source, such as a relief valve on a water heater, must be piped to an indirect waste through an air gap.
165. You are installing the drain for an ice-making machine in a restaurant. This drain line will terminate to a/an _______________________________.
166. Indirect waste piping requires a/an _________________________ to protect its discharge contents from backflow.
167. An indirect waste line that has a diameter of 3/4" is draining into a floor sink. What size air gap should be used between the end of the indirect drain line to the floor sink's flood rim?
168. Which of the following is the minimum size in indirect waste line piping of an ice-maker machine?
169. A multiple-compartment sink composed of three wells in a restaurant needs how many indirect waste pipes?
170. The drain piping from food prep sinks, bins or other equipment used in direct contact with ready to eat food shall be which of the following?
171. You are installing indirect piping to kitchen equipment in a restaurant. A unit has a 1 inch drain. Which of the following sizes of indirect piping can you use?
172. You are installing a bar sink in a restaurant in a location where the trays cannot be vented. There is, however, a floor sink nearby. What is the maximum length you may run the sink drain line to the floor sink?
173. When installing a dishwasher, the only Code approved method of connecting the drain hose is:
174. Sterilizers that require waste connections may be indirectly piped to drain receptors. The maximum length of the indirect piping is _____________________.
175. Installation of plumbing fixtures receiving discharge from indirect waste pipes require approval by ____________________________.
176. Which of the following is true about vents and indirect waste piping?
177. The diameter of indirect waste piping should be _________________ the diameter of the tailpiece or outlet of equipment being served.
178. You are roughing-in a P-trap for a washing machine drain in a residential house. The trap must be at least ___________________ AFF.
179. The maximum distance of a washing machine trap from the floor is:
180. Which of the following lengths of a standpipe receptor for a washing machine is permissible measured from above the trap weir?
181. Indirect waste receptors are allowed to be installed in ____________________________.
182. Indirect waste connections are provided for all but which of the following?
183. Condensate drains piping may be connected to all but which of the following:
184. No water having a temperature above _____________________ degrees shall be discharged under pressure directly into a drainage system.
185. Undiluted condensate waste from a fuel burning condensing appliance may be discharged into a drainage system made from this material:
186. Sumps and condensers constructed of concrete should have a bottom and well thickness not less than _______________________________.
187. Overflow of condensate from equipment would cause structural damage to a building. Which of the following is a protective measure required by the code?
188. A furnace is subject to damage due to condensate overflow of an auxiliary drain pan. What step is required to prevent damage to the furnace?
189. Are detailed plans of facilities for the treatment of chemical waste required to be submitted to the plumbing authority for approval?
190. Which of the following materials is not Code approved for drainage of chemical waste?
191. Vent pipes which connect to waste pipes containing chemical waste shall not be made of ______________.
192. Of the following, who is required to keep a permanent record of the location of chemical waste and vent piping?
193. Pump discharge of wastewater from a swimming pool shall be discharged _________________.
194. Condensate piping from condensing fuel burning appliances should drain into all of the following except:
195. The minimum slope of condensate piping into the drainage system is:

Vents and Venting

196. Which of the following is accomplished by the installation of plumbing vents?
197. Which of the following types of fixtures can be served by a combination-waste-and-vent system?
198. Assume that you are installing a CWV system for part of the plumbing fixtures in a building. You will install a DWV system for toilets. This building contains floor drains, lavatories, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, showers, drinking fountains, bidets, garbage disposers and slop sinks. Which of the following fixtures should you not install on the CWV system?
199. As an apprentice plumber you are working on the installation of a DWV system with a journeyman plumber. You were studying about the use of relief vents the night before. Your journeyman plumber is taking a break and you ask about using relief vents with circuit vents. The answer you get is that relief vents are not allowed to be used in conjunction with circuit vents. Is this true or false?
200. Traps must be set _______ with respect to the trap seal.
201. Individual vents serve only one fixture. These vents are _________.
202. Relief vents are installed with trap arms that extend beyond the allowable distance between a trap and its vent. Assume that you are installing piping of various sizes that will require relief vents. Pipe diameters for the drains include 1.5 inches, 2 inches and 3 inches. Which of the following describes the minimum diameter of a relief vent for each of the drain sizes.
203. You are installing a drain that will be vented with a circuit vent. You check your code book to find out what the allowable grade on the vent will be so that you can drill holes in the framing studs that will allow an approved installation. That is when you find that a horizontal drain that is being vented by a circuit vent is required to have a maximum grade of one inch per foot.
204. Circuit vents can do which of the following?
205. Which of the following describes a branch vent?
206. Which of the following types of vents are used only for the purpose of venting?
207. Vents are exempt from the need for protection from freezing since they transport only air.
208. Which of the following types of vents are allowed to be used as both a vent and as a conduit for waste disposal in a sanitary drainage system?
209. You are installing a DWV system. In this system you want to use common vents to reduce the cost of plumbing materials and labor. You know that a common vent is an individual vent that is allowed to vent multiple traps. There are certain regulations on when common vents can be used. Identify the correct answer below that shows a situation where common vents are allowed to be installed.
210. Island vents are only allowed to be installed for which of the following fixtures?
211. When offsets exist in a stack vent, they must not be installed prior to the stack vent reaching a height that is at least eight inches above the flood-level rim of the highest fixture being served.
212. Wet vents are allowed for use with fixtures in a single bathroom group. A wet vent is _______.
213. Crown vents can be installed on which of the following?
214. Sumps used to hold sewage or house sewage pumps are required to be ________.
215. Soil stacks that have up to ten branch intervals are required to be equipped with relief vents.
216. The size of a main vent pipe is based on:
217. Using the tables in the IPC and the UPC for sizing vent piping, what size vent pipe should be used if a building uses a 4 inch waste pipe, with 250 total drainage fixture units, and vent piping with a developed length of 300 feet?
218. What is the minimum size vent piping diameter that can be used under the codes?
219. Assume that you are installing a DWV system in a two-story home. The house has several roof lines. For example, the kitchen is counter levered off of the main foundation and equipped with a shed roof design. This roof is below the double-hung windows of the bedrooms on the second floor. The kitchen sink must be vented. However, the outlet location of the vent pipe could be affected by window placement above if the windows are able to be opened. For this scenario assume that the second-story windows do open. Which of the following gives the proper code requirement for the placement of the kitchen vent?
220. Some codes require buildings that have soil stacks with more than _____ branch intervals to be equipped with vent stacks.
221. You are running the waste and vent system in a 3-story building. The vent stacks must terminate through the roof. You have been told the roof will be used for social activities. How far above the roof, at a minimum, must the vent terminate above the roof?
222. You have just completed the waste system for two sinks. You want to connect the vent into the vent stack. At a minimum, how far above flood level of the fixture should the vent be connected into the vent stack?
223. You are connecting two back-to-back lavatories, two urinals and two water closets to one horizontal branch. What are the maximum number fixtures that can be connected to a horizontal branch?
224. You have connected all the vertical vents to one common vent stack. How far above the roof should the vent terminate?
225. What is an air admittance valve and where is it installed?
226. Where does the soil stack end and the vent stack begin?
227. How close can a fixture vent be installed in relation to a trap weir?
228. You have been asked to install a waste and vent system. When digging the trenches, you reveal that the soil has coal ash mixed with acid waste. What type of waste and vent piping would be best suited for this soil condition?
229. You are installing a bar sink. The counter area does not allow for a vent stack to be installed. How can ventilation be provided when normal venting is not possible?
230. How can a trap primer protect the venting system?
231. You are installing a tub, shower and lavatory in a residential home. You must select a vent system using a pipe for the waste and vent. What type of system would you select?
232. You are installing a two inch kitchen sink stack. Why is it good plumbing practice to install a 45 degree offset before exiting the roof?
233. You are installing a trap stand mop sink. The size of the trap stand is 3 inches and the trap stand is supported by a brace connected to the floor. The waste pipe is connected with a sanitary tee behind the wall. What would be the minimum size vent pipe that could be used?
234. How do you determine the size of the vent piping to be installed on a waste system?
235. In a vent system, in what direction are the fittings pitched?
236. If an individual vent has two traps it is a _________.
237. When can a combination waste and vent system receive the discharge from a food waste grinder or clinical sink?
238. A _______ is any part of the piping system except a riser, main or stack.
239. When using an air admittance valve, it should have at least ___ stack(s) through the roof.

Traps and Cleanouts

240. You are installing a sewer for a home and connecting the sewer to a building drain. Cleanouts are required to be installed within the sewer piping. For which of the following intervals would a cleanout be required for horizontal drainage piping?
241. Cleanouts are required where building drains intersect with sewers. Which of the following locations is acceptable for a typical cleanout installation under these conditions?
242. If three 45-degree bends are used to make an offset, a cleanout is required at the top of the horizontal drain within 24 inches of where it connects with the last 45-degree bend.
243. You are responsible for installing a sewer with an 8-inch diameter. Which of the following distances between cleanouts would meet the code for sewers that have 8-inch diameters?
244. Horizontal drainage branches must be fitted with cleanouts. Assume that you are installing a horizontal branch that has a total length of 60 feet. This is a 3-inch branch. The pipe takes one 45 degree change of direction. How many cleanouts are required for this installation?
245. Normally a cleanout is required at the junction of a building drain and a sewer. Can you think of a situation where this might not be the case? Let's say that the building drain has a 3-inch diameter. This limits the number of water closets installed in the structure to a total of two, but it is an acceptable size for a building drain. How will you install the piping of the building drain to avoid the need for a junction cleanout where the building drain connects to a sewer? Is it true or false that you can install a cleanout 8 feet from the junction point and be exempt from a junction cleanout?
246. What size cleanout must be used with a 2 ½ inch horizontal drain pipe?
247. When can a cleanout be used for the installation of a new fixture? In other words, what makes it acceptable to remove a cleanout plug, replace it with a male adapter and then extend piping from that point to a new fixture?
248. Approved two-way cleanouts are allowed in locations where building drains connect with sewers.
249. You are plumbing a multi-family dwelling. This structure will house four apartments. As you are installing the DWV piping you must know when and where to install required cleanouts in the drainage piping. Which of the following describes a situation where a cleanout is not required?
250. When installing cleanouts which of the following is required?
251. Cleanouts installed for under-floor piping are required to be installed at least 12 inches above the finished floor level.
252. Under the code, cleanouts cannot be installed at intervals exceeding:
253. Which of the following materials is acceptable for cleanout fittings, plugs and caps?
254. To allow for adequate drain cleaning, the minimum clearance in front of a cleanout that has a diameter of 2 inches is 16 inches.
255. Manholes are typically required at maximum intervals of ______.
256. Traps for plumbing fixtures are sealed with a liquid level in the trap. Water is the liquid most commonly used. What are the minimum and maximum depths of a trap seal?
257. Cover plates, trim covers and access doors may be used with cleanouts. These access points may not be covered with mortar, plaster or other permanent material.
258. The installation of a P trap is required to be vented properly. If such a vent is not installed the trap may _______.
259. Which of the following types of traps are not allowed in new plumbing installations?
260. Laundry tubs and service sinks must be double-trapped due to the nature of their use.
261. The tailpiece between a fixture drain and the fixture's trap must not be longer than ______.
262. Which of the following types of traps are required to be equipped with a device that controls the water flow through the trap in a manner that prevents the water flow from exceeding the rated flow of the trap?
263. Dishwashers and clothes washers may discharge into a kitchen sink as an indirect waste.
264. Which of the following types of traps are allowed to be installed below a concrete floor when access is not available without removal of the floor material?
265. Which of the following is a grease trap?
266. Plumbing interceptors are installed to control which of the following?
267. You are on a job and are doing the final plumbing and the setting of fixtures. Most of the work is done. There is still a laundry sink to trap and set the faucet on. After installing the faucet and connecting the water supplies you are ready to trap the sink. This sink has the minimum-size drain arm allowed for the fixture. In this situation, it would be a code violation to connect the fixture with a 2-inch P trap.
268. What is the grease retention capacity, measured in pounds of grease, of a grease trap/interceptor that has a total flow-through rating of 12 gallons per minute (GPM)?
269. Which of the following is a common type of establishment that would be required to be equipped with an oil separator?
270. Which of the following locations are likely to contain a backwater valve?
271. Interceptors are installed to prevent the discharge of oil, grease, sand and other substances into which of the following?
272. You are working in a commercial facility. The facility is known to discharge chemicals, enzymes and emulsifiers. Which of the following devices will you not connect to a drainage source for these wastes?
273. The minimum standpipe height for an indirect waste to accept the drainage from an automatic clothes washing machine is 18 inches.
274. How many traps are required to be installed for a three-bowl kitchen sink?
275. Traps must not be ______.
276. Which of the following fittings are approved for changes in piping direction from vertical to horizontal?
277. Which of the following is an allowable distance for a 1.5" drain arm to a fixture trap?
278. What may result if a drain arm exceeds its maximum length from trap to vent?
279. One trap arm may serve a total of how many P-traps?
280. Which of the following fixture traps is permitted to receive waste from another fixture?
281. The maximum vertical distance between the weir of the trap and the fixture outlet should not exceed _________________.
282. You are roughing-in a drain arm to a future lavatory fixture. In order to comply with the Code, you should measure from the _______________________ to make sure you do not exceed the maximum distance.
283. How many traps are permitted to accept the waste water from a 3-compartment sink?
284. The minimum distance between a vent and trap 1.5" in diameter is _________________.
285. Which of the following measurements is permitted for a 2" trap arm from a vent?
286. Generally, a fixture trap cannot be below its weir. What fixture is the exception?
287. Which of the following directional changes of a trap arm will not need a cleanout?
288. A plumber has to install a cleanout with a 3" trap arm on horizontal drain piping that exceeds a 135 degree change of direction.
289. Which of the following fixtures does not require the weir of the trap to be below the vent opening?
290. Traps must be designed in such a way that they ________.
291. Which of the following fixtures can discharge into a grease interceptor?
292. Traps may have ______________________ approved slip joint fittings on the outlet side of the trap.
293. The size of a P-trap should be what diameter with respect to its trap arm?
294. Which of the following types of traps is permitted?
295. The liquid seal of a fixture trap shall be at least _________________________.
296. Trap primers prevent traps from _________________________________.
297. Floor drains subject to a reverse flow of sewage should be equipped with an approved _______.
298. Every building trap shall have each of the following, except:
299. The relief vent for a building trap need not be larger than ____________ of the connecting drain.
300. Harmful or hazardous liquid wastes or grease should be drained into which of the following:
301. All grease interceptors are required to have _________________.
302. A ______________________________ may be required to be installed downstream of an interceptor/clarifier.
303. Grease interceptors receive waste water from all of the following except:
304. Which type of water is acceptable for uses such as drinking water, water for cooking and water for bathing?
305. Which of the following is the proper term for piping that delivers potable water from a water source to a water-distribution system?

Water Supply and Distribution

306. Assume that you are making both water and sewer connections to a building. In this process you will be installing both pipes from a location that is a terminal of a municipal system. The city has placed both a sewer lateral and a water service pipe on the private property where the building will be erected. You will be installing about 75 feet of piping for both the sewer and the water supply. The site contractor has provided one ditch that is to accommodate both pipes. Knowing what you do, which of the following is correct?
307. Assume that you are installing a reverse osmosis system. This system is located in a basement. The basement has a concrete floor and no plumbing fixtures in it. Is it true that the discharge from a reverse osmosis system is required to pass through an air gap or an air gap device before it is allowed to enter a sanitary drainage system?
308. A water service pipe should never run _______ a waste disposal system, such as a septic field.
309. A water service is required to be protected from which of the following?
310. At what point after entering a building is a water service pipe that is not third-party rated for water service piping, such as polyethylene piping, required to terminate and be changed to a piping that is suited for water distribution?
311. All water heaters are required to be insulated with an energy-conserving, after-market blanket.
312. Flexible water connections are required to be _________.
313. What is likely to cause banging in water pipes?
314. When water pressure being supplied to a single-family residence is in excess of ______ psi a pressure reducing valve is required to be installed to reduce the pressure to a level below the maximum allowable pressure.
315. Assume that you are installing a potable water system. During this installation you plan to install a few double-check valves. In one instance, there is a need for backflow protection on a pipe where you will be installing a double-check valve. You could install a separate means of backflow protection. But, you can also use the double-check valve to serve a dual purpose which will include backflow protection if you equip it with an approved vent.
316. Which of the following devices can be used to increase water pressure when the pressure from a water source is not adequate for the needs of a plumbing system?
317. Water storage tanks are a potential solution to plumbing systems that suffer from low water pressure. If these tanks are used, they must not be installed below __________.
318. You are installing a well system for a rural home. The pump for this house is a submersible pump. The pressure tank is located in the basement of the home. You have chosen a diaphragm-type pressure tank. By doing so, you have eliminated the need for installing a vacuum relief valve on the top of the tank. But there is still an important valve that must be installed on the supply pipe that feeds the tank or on the tank itself. This valve is a ________valve.
319. Irrigation systems are required to be protected from backflow. The most often installed device for backflow protection on irrigation systems, like lawn sprinklers, is vacuum breakers.
320. Pipe hangers used for water distribution piping must be compatible with the type of pipe that is being supported. The supports are not allowed to __________.
321. Galvanized steel pipe straps may be used to support copper pipes.
322. What is the maximum span allowed for pipe supports on 3/4" copper tubing or piping that is used for water distribution and piped in a horizontal direction?
323. You are installing plumbing valves for showers in the gang showers of a locker room. These shower valves will mix hot and cold water to provide a flow from a shower head. What type of valve is required for this type of installation?
324. When barometric loops are used to prevent back siphonage they are required to extend to a point that is at least 35 feet high.
325. The installation of every sill cock requires the use of ___________.
326. Gate valves and ball valves are rated as __________.
327. Gate and ball valves depend on rubber washers to create a positive seal.
328. Which of the following locations do not require the installation of a full-open valve?
329. A water well that is 60 feet from a building sewer violates the code due to the probability of contamination.
330. Which of the following types of valves can be used to meet the requirements of installing a cutoff valve on every fixture?
331. Backflow preventers installed on potable water systems are required to be _________.
A gentleman farm has a water line for irrigation from an alternate water source using nonpotable water.
332. What color, if any, should be the piping?
333. Does the nonpotable water piping need to be stamped with any warning?
334. Water heaters, hose bibs and sill cocks are normally protected from backflow with ________.
335. Which of the following types of fixtures are required to have their water sources protected by an air gap?
336. Which of the following types of backflow prevention is the most dependable?
337. Let's assume that you are installing plumbing in a food-service area. One of the fixtures that you will be installing is a carbonator. This is for a carbonated beverage dispenser. You must install a potable water supply pipe for the fixture. What type of backflow prevention are you likely to use if the carbonator does not have an internal backflow preventer?
338. Connections between potable water supply systems and automatic fire sprinkling systems are to be made with a check valve. If the potable water supply is connected to a non-potable water connection, the connection should be protected by _________.
339. You are installing piping for the hot water side of a water distribution system. The desired temperature of the hot water must be maintained for a certain amount of distance. How far from the fixture being served must the hot water temperature be maintained?
340. You are to install a private water system. Is it true that you can connect it without any approval?
341. Hot water supplied to plumbing fixtures that utilize two handles to be operated must be installed _______.
342. Which of the following residential uses do not require hot water to be available to the fixture?
343. Systems that are under continuous pressure and that contain chemical additives or antifreeze are required to be equipped with approved devices to prevent contamination in potable water systems.
344. Assuming that you are working with a common water heater. What is the maximum working pressure for the fixture?
345. Some plumbing systems do not have municipal water supplies. When this is the case, private water sources are used, which is generally some form of water well. Which of the following types of water wells are allowed to provide a private water supply?
346. Which of the following distances is acceptable when locating a well in relation to an underground sewage disposal field?
347. PEX tubing cannot be installed within ________ inches of a piping connection to a water heater.
348. Pipe used to conduct the blow-off from relief valves on water heaters must be able to sustain temperatures of up to 210 degrees F.
349. Vacuum breakers for hose connections in healthcare and laboratory areas are required to be installed at least ______ feet above the finished floor level.
350. When installing a double check valve should a drain be provided?
351. Hot water supplied to plumbing fixtures that utilize two handles to be operated must be installed _______.
352. Which of the following residential uses do not require hot water to be available to the fixture?
353. Systems that are under continuous pressure and that contain chemical additives or antifreeze are required to be equipped with approved devices to prevent contamination in potable water systems.
354. Assuming that you are working with a common water heater. What is the maximum working pressure for the fixture?
355. Some plumbing systems do not have municipal water supplies. When this is the case, private water sources are used, which is generally some form of water well. Which of the following types of water wells are allowed to provide a private water supply?
356. Which of the following distances is acceptable when locating a well in relation to an underground sewage disposal field?
357. PEX tubing cannot be installed within ________ inches of a piping connection to a water heater.
358. Pipe used to conduct the blow-off from relief valves on water heaters must be able to sustain temperatures of up to 210 degrees F.
359. Vacuum breakers for hose connections in healthcare and laboratory areas are required to be installed at least ______ feet above the finished floor level.
360. When installing a double check valve should a drain be provided?
361. Which of the following is water that is safe for human consumption under public health standards?
362. A bathtub mixing valve is required to flow at the rate of _____ gallons per minute.
363. The maximum flow rate for a water closet is _______ gallons per flushing cycle.
364. When installing a flush-o-meter on a water closet, what must be provided to prevent cross connection from occurring?
365. Backflow preventers must not be located in areas subject to _________.
366. What is required to be installed on all water supply fixtures, except residential bathtubs and showers?
367. What type of water does a bidet use?
368. A vacuum breaker is suitable backflow protection for:

Sanitary Drainage Systems

369. What is the typical amount of grade required per liner foot on a household drainage pipe?
370. How many fixture-units will a fixture that requires a 1 1/4-inch trap be rated for?
371. Horizontal branch drains may ________.
372. Drains with a diameter of 4 or 5 inches can be installed with a minimum grade of ________.
373. PVC Schedule 40 may be used for underground drain waste piping and fittings.
374. Assume that you are installing drain pipes below grade. It is your job to make joints to connect sections of piping. Which of the following types of connections are you allowed to use?
375. You are roughing in drainage piping for a future fixture in a part of a building that is partially occupied. Which of the following is required in a stub-out for a future fixture?
376. During the course of your plumbing rough-in you are installing several horizontal branches. These drains are connected to stacks. The connections must be made downstream of the stack. But, how far downstream from the stack is the closest location that a connection can be made?
377. Vents for vertical offsets are not required where the stack and its offset are _____ as a building drain.
378. Lead bends are required to have a minimum wall thickness of .5 inch.
379. A vent is required for a stack that has a horizontal offset that is located more than ______ branch intervals below the top of the stack.
380. Assume that you are installing drainage piping for a restaurant. Much of the piping will be in and around the food service area, and this is the area that you are planning an installation for. The routing of the drainage piping is important. As a journeyman plumber you must know where you can and cannot install the piping. In this scenario we will assume that the drainage piping is to be installed as exposed piping. There are regulations pertaining to such an installation. Which of the following locations are not allowed to have exposed piping installed above them in this type of situation?
381. Assume that you are required to join dissimilar types of pipe in a plumbing system. When this is done, what type of joint is acceptable?
382. Drainage systems sometimes incorporate the use of a waste pump. When this is the case certain requirements must be met to remain in compliance with the plumbing code. Choose from the list below which device, or devices, are required to be installed on a waste pump?
383. You are installing some underground piping. You must make sure that as you are installing the pipe sections that will be joined that all of the drainage piping will be protected from effects of flooding.
384. Understanding which fittings are approved for changes in direction is critical to making a proper plumbing installation. Envision a situation where you are installing horizontal drain piping above ground. Which of the following fittings are suitable for a change of direction from a horizontal position to another horizontal position?
385. Which of the following fittings are approved for changes in piping direction from horizontal-to-vertical?
386. If you are changing direction from a vertical pipe to a horizontal pipe there are several fittings which are acceptable. Some short-sweep fittings are allowed for this purpose. The determining factor on which short-sweep fittings may be used is based on the pipe-diameter of the piping being installed. Which of the following pipe sizes are allowed to use short-sweep fittings to turn a drain from a vertical position to a horizontal position?
387. Assume that you are installing two blowback water closets. The fixtures are to be installed back-to-back on a common wall. Which of the following fittings is allowed for this type of installation?
388. Assume that you are installing a 3" DWV system that is going to consist mostly of plastic drain piping. However, there is one area of the job that has been specified to receive DWV copper piping. When these two types of piping are installed horizontally what is the maximum allowable distance between the hangers that support the piping? The plastic piping must be supported at intervals not to exceed ______ feet and the DWV copper piping is required to have support at intervals not to exceed ________.
389. A drainage pipe has a diameter of six inches and uses flexible couplings at changes in direction. The piping must be supported at the point of the flexible connection.
390. What is the minimum allowable diameter for a drain pipe that is installed underground?
391. You are installing cast iron pipe. What is the maximum support distance allowed by code for cast iron piping that is installed vertically?
392. Which of the following is the correct answer for a drainage pipe that is being installed to empty into a waste-disposal site?
393. A drainage pipe that is being installed to empty into a waste-disposal site may be increased in size.
394. Which of the following plastic pipes can be threaded and remain in compliance with the plumbing code?
395. Caulked lead joints used to connect cast iron pipe are required to be painted either red or orange to provide a visual warning of the pipe's presence.
396. Your boss has dispatched you to a fast-food restaurant to repair a hand sink in the kitchen area. You have detected the waste pipe over the food preparation table. What modifications, if any, will be needed to satisfy the plumbing code?
397. An offset is defined as____________________.
398. You are installing a 6 inch storm line under a concrete floor of a nursing home. You will need to provide cleanouts of sufficient size and the proper distance apart from each cleanout. How will you install this system?
399. You have installed a sanitary sewer in the floor of a warehouse; a floor cleanout is required at the end of a run. The waste piping size is 6 inches. Which of the following clearances meet the code for proper cleaning?
400. If you install a pipe with more than a ¼ of an inch per foot fall, what affect will this have on the waste system?
401. You have been sent to inspect the plumbing system in a single-family home. All the plumbing appears to be to code standards, but on further inspection you notice a 3 inch test tee cleanout on a 2 1/2 inch stack. Does this installation meet code requirements?
402. What will result when a 4 inch pipe is reduced in size in the direction of the flow?
403. The plumbing code allows for a cleanout equivalent for the sanitary sewer system. Which of the following is a cleanout equivalent?
404. You have instructed a laborer to dig a pit hole for a residential sump pump. Which of the following size holes are acceptable for the dimensions (height and diameter) of a sump pit?
405. Can steam pipes connect to a plumbing drainage system with PVC pipes to carry steam water at 180 degrees?
406. A drainage system into a sewer should have a _________ for purposes of cleaning.
407. A journeyman plumber has encountered different diameter pipe joints. He calls his master plumber for instructions. He wants to know if he can use rolling o-rings. The master plumber should inform him that:
408. The lowest part of the drainage system inside a building that receives the discharge from soil, waste and other drains is called the ________.
409. What is the smallest size p-trap that can be used on any unlisted fixture?
410. What part of the plumbing system is installed just prior to the installation of fixtures?
411. What will result when a 4 inch pipe is reduced in size in the direction of the flow?
412. ________ always involve at least two changes in direction to keep the piping heading in the same direction.
413. You are sizing gravity drainage piping. A 2'' pipe needs to slope a minimum of ______ an inch per foot fall.
414. Which of the following is prohibited from installation in compacted areas such as driveways and parking lots?
415. Before a seepage trench or bed is constructed the intended location for the system is required to be subject to soil testing by an approved authority.
416. What is the minimum width required for a seepage trench for a septic system drain field?
417. Which of the following comply with the code on the diameter of a seepage pit?
418. The bottom of a seepage trench or bed excavation for a septic system drain field shall:
419. What is the maximum size of aggregate that is used when backfilling a seepage trench/filter in a septic system drain field?
420. You are working on a seepage trench. Your supervising plumber tells you to scratch up the bottom of the trench and loosen the dirt up. It wouldn't be the first time that this plumber has made apprentice plumbers do unnecessary work. So is it true that the bottom of a seepage trench or bed is required to be scarified.
421. The preferred minimum amount of soil cover over the top of a pipe in a seepage trench in a septic drain field is 12 inches.
422. What is the minimum pipe diameter allowed for distribution piping in a seepage trench or bed in a septic system drain field?

Special Piping and Storage Systems

423. Which of the following are covered by the plumbing code requirements?
424. You are plumbing a room that will be accessible to psychiatric patients. What rule are you required to follow for piping and traps in these rooms?
425. Indirect waste receptors for sterilizers must be trapped and vented.
426. Your job is to install a drinking fountain in a hallway of a healthcare facility. The hall will be used for patient transportation. Some patients will be in wheelchairs. Others will be in either hospital beds or gurneys. Which of the following requirements must you take into account when you install a drinking fountain in the hallway.
427. All fixtures and fittings installed in psychiatric patient rooms must be ________.
428. You are working with hospital plumbing and it involves connections for medical gases that are both flammable and nonflammable. The local plumbing code pertains only to medical gases that are nonflammable.
429. Ice makers and ice storage chests installed in healthcare facilities are required to be installed _______.
430. Aspirators used for removing body fluids are required to be equipped with either collection bottles or ________.
431. As you look through your code book you are seeking information on the storage of medical gases used in conjunction with plumbing connections between the gas containers and the equipment they serve. The special piping and storage system section of the plumbing code applies to any portable system and cylinder storage.
432. Assume that you are installing a sterilizer in a healthcare facility. The fixture must discharge to a drainage system through an indirect waste. Which of the following lengths of piping could be used for the indirect waste?
433. Vapor vents provided for sterilizers are allowed to __________.
434. Water-supplied suction devices must comply with the same plumbing code regulations that apply to aspirators.
435. What is the minimum depth of a trap seal that serves a bedpan steamer when installing an indirect waste?
436. Aspirators are required to discharge their waste through which of the following?
437. You are about to begin installing plumbing for a medical vacuum system. Before you begin work you must be sure that plans and specifications for an installation of a medical gas or medical vacuum system has been provided to the local code officer and approved prior to the installation.
438. Which NFPA standard do the codes reference for healthcare facilities and medical gas and vacuum systems?
439. The piping used in Med Gas OXY, MED and OXY/MED systems in connected by ______________.
440. Of the following, who may install "Med Gas piping"?
441. In Med Gas systems, the exhaust from vacuum pumps shall be discharged into the following:
442. Tubing used in field installation for positive pressure Med Gas systems shall be made from the following:
443. If the psi rating exceeds 185 psi in a positive pressure Med Gas system, what tubing is sufficient in rating to be installed?
444. Copper used in Med Gas systems is identified by the manufacturer. If the stamp is blue, it denotes which grade of copper?
445. Copper with a green stamp is used in a Med Gas system. What grade of copper does the color denote?
446. Vacuum tubing systems may be made of which of the following?
447. The brazing alloy used to bond pipe joints with fittings must exhibit a melting temperature in excess of ______________.
448. Vacuum main lines cannot be less than which of the following?
449. While brazing copper-to-copper joints in a Med Gas system, you must constantly purge the system with __________________.
450. You are about to braze copper tubing in a Med Gas system. To clean the exterior surface of the copper tubing in your preparations, you must use which of the following?
451. You have just finished cleaning the surfaces of copper tubing in a Med Gas system in preparation for brazing. The connections must be brazed within how many hours of cleaning?
452. Flux can only be used in the brazing process when:
453. When purging the Med Gas system of ambient air prior to brazing, the percent of oxygen concentration should be below:
454. You are inspecting brazed joints and find one that is defective. Assuming that it is the type of joint that is permitted to be repaired, how many times can it be reheated before being replaced?
455. The ambient temperature around a buried service trench or tunnel used to contain Med Gas piping is limited to what degree maximum?
456. Where there is no potential from surface loads or conditions, the minimum cover over buried Med Gas piping is _________________.
457. You are working on a project that includes installing backfill cover over buried Med Gas piping. The area where the work is being performed is expected to incur freezing and surface loads. The frost line is at 32". What is the minimum backfill cover that must be used over buried Med Gas piping in this situation?
458. The method used to provide a source of drainage, aspiration and suction to remove body fluids is called:
459. The purge gas flow rate is controlled by using a _______________________.
460. Area alarm panels for Medical-surgical vacuum systems must indicate if the vacuum in the area drops below ______________________ mm gauge HgV.
461. A qualified brazer is changing employers. The new employer is permitted to accept that brazer's qualification records if:
462. The performance qualification of a brazer will remain in effect indefinitely, unless which of the following occurs?
463. Which of the following does not apply to pipe labels marking Med Gas and vacuum systems?
464. The chemical symbol for carbon dioxide is:
465. You are applying pipe labels to various pipes transporting Med Gas and vacuum lines within a system. Each gas or vacuum line has a specific color scheme for background/text which identifies itself. The proper label for the gas Helium will contain the following color scheme:
466. The correct label for Nitrogen gas is _________________________.
467. The correct label for instrument air is _________________________________.
468. Which of the following statements is not consistent with the code on labeling Med Gas pipe?

Water Heaters

469. The installation of a water heater requires a plumbing permit and a code inspection. It is necessary for a permit and a code inspection even when a water heater is being replaced in the exact location of an existing water heater. When you are installing a water heater which of the following must you allow for when you consider a suitable location for the installation of the fixture?
470. You are installing a water heater for a two-family dwelling. The storage tank, if you install one and the water heater are required to have which of the following?
471. All water heaters are required to be certified by a third party and the fixtures must be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by the manufacturer.
472. Let's assume that you are responsible for the installation of a water-heating supply system. What type of equipment are you going to install on it?
473. You have been asked to install a water heater in an attic. By code, water heaters cannot be installed in an attic.
474. The installation of an electric water heater requires which of the following to be in close proximity to the fixture?
475. When you are installing a water heater you will be required to install a cut-off valve on the inlet piping. The type of valve used should be a positive-sealing valve, such as a ball valve or gate valve. Using valves that rely on washers to operate can be a problem if the washer or the seat of the valve becomes defective. Where will you install the main cut-off valve on the inlet water supply?
476. Water heaters must be protected from back siphonage with the use of a "dip tube".
477. You are aware that the code permits the installation of water heaters in attics. However, there are access requirements that plumbers must be aware of. Just because you can get a water heater into an attic does not mean that the area of access meets code regulations. What is the minimum height measurement for the installation of a water heater in an attic?
478. Water heaters require temperature and relief valves be installed. This is usually one valve that serves as protection against both excessive temperature and pressure. Water heaters are normally provided with a threaded location where the valve can be screwed into either the side or the top of the water heater shell. Knowing this, what is the maximum depth below the top of a water heater that a temperature and pressure relief valve can be installed?
479. There is a risk of personal injury if a relief valve discharges into the open area of installation. To avoid this, a discharge tube must be installed on the valve and piped downwards. Under no circumstances are the discharge tubes allowed to connect directly to a drainage system. Normally, the pipe terminates somewhere along the side of the water heater it is serving. Measuring from the end of the discharge pipe to the top of the finished floor what is the maximum allowable distance?
480. A co-worker of yours told you that relief valves on water heaters are installed to control thermal expansion. Then you checked your plumbing code book during your lunch break. Was the information your co-worker gave you true or false?
481. Which if the following types of traps are required for installation on the discharge tubing of a relief valve for a water heater?
482. The end of a discharge pipe connected to a relief valve is required to be threaded on the termination end.
483. It is your job to install an electric water heater in an attic over a bedroom. The location of the water heater requires it to be provided with a safety pan. When you go to a supply house to acquire a safety pan for this installation what is the required minimum depth for a safety pan that you will install?
484. Discharge tubing attached to a relief valve for a water heater must be installed in such a way that occupants of the building being served by the water heater can observe the discharge of the tubing.
485. All water heaters are to be certified by _______________________________.
486. You are installing a water heater which is also being used as a space heater. In order to comply with Code, and limit the water temperature of the potable hot water distribution system, you must install which of the following?
487. Which temperature listed would be considered hot water for potable domestic use?
488. Tankless water heaters are permitted to heat potable water to a maximum of __________ for domestic use.
489. Where is the maximum allowable working pressure of a storage tank and water heater required to be shown?
490. A chimney has a factory-built flue. Can a gas water heater be connected to the chimney flue as an exhaust for combustion gases?
491. Electric water heaters must conform to the requirements of which of the following?
492. When piping a relief valve to the floor, a full port shut off valve should be installed in case the relief valve begins to drip.
You are installing a gas water heater in a new residential home. The heater is to be installed in a closet.
493. Which of the following is required to make your installation Code compliant?
494. You are installing the pipe which will provide combustion air to the closet where the heater is located. According to the one permanent opening method for combustion air, you should install the opening _____________________________.
495. With respect to the free area of the opening needed to supply combustion air to a water heater, the required volume of combustion air must not be less than:
496. You are figuring the free area of the opening needed to supply the combustion air to a water heater in an enclosure. The opening you have installed communicates freely with the outdoors. What is the minimum size in square inches of the opening needed to supply each 3000 btus of the heater?
497. The minimum free area allowed for combustion air in an enclosure containing a gas water heater is:
498. You are installing a pipe sleeve to provide combustion air using the one permanent opening method to an enclosure containing a water heater with a 36,000 Btu rating. This opening will directly communicate to a space that freely communicates with the outdoors. Using the formula of one square inch per 3,000 Btu/h required, what is the minimum size pipe needed?
499. You are installing a pipe sleeve to provide combustion air using the one permanent opening method to an enclosure containing a water heater with a 60,000 Btu rating. This opening will directly communicate to a space that freely communicates with the outdoors. Using the formula of one square inch per 3,000 Btu/h required, what is the minimum size pipe needed?
500. Relief valves shall not be discharged to which of the following:
501. Where gas water heaters are installed in residential garages, they shall be elevated a minimum of _________________ AFF.
502. In multi-story vent installations, vertical common vents for category 1 appliances must be what type of gas vent material?
503. At minimum, how many feet above a draft hood or flue collar should a Type B vent terminate?
504. Gas tankless water heaters typically require _________ Btu/h input than tank-type domestic water heaters.
505. Which of the following is not required to be installed on top fed tank type and tank less water heaters?
506. A vent from a gas water heater passes through an insulated assembly. What is required to be installed as a protective measure?
507. All of the following are requirements for discharge piping serving a relief valve, except:
508. You have been sent to install a tankless water heater in a newly constructed residence. The Code does not cover the installation issue you have on a tankless heater. In this situation, you should ____________________.
509. Which of the following is required to install a gas water heater in a bedroom closet?
510. Which of the following is not required to be installed by a plumber on an instantaneous tankless gas water heater that is to sanitize dishes?
511. You plan on installing an exterior tankless water heater (100,000 btu/hr) beside a window which opens. What is the minimum lateral distance required between the window and the heater, upon installation?
512. The minimum distance allowed from the top of an exterior tankless water heater and the soffit above it is_________.
513. Your job requires that you remove an existing tank-type water heater with a 40,000 Btu rating and replace it with a tankless heater with a 199,000 Btu rating - which will exceed the maximum Btu load. How might you compensate for the increase in Btus in the most efficient, cost-effective, manner?

Recycling Gray Water

514. Site locations for residential subsurface landscape irrigation systems are ___________.
515. Which of the following is an acceptable use for the recycling of gray water?
516. Do you know which types of fixtures are allowed to provide gray water to gray-water drainage systems? Consider this scenario. You are plumbing a single-family residence. The home contains a dishwasher, a toilet, a bathtub and a kitchen sink. Which of these fixtures are allowed to be drained into a gray-water drainage system?
517. Which of the following fixtures are allowed to discharge into a gray-water drainage system?
518. Collection reservoirs for gray-water must be made of approved materials. To comply with this, a gray-water collection reservoir is required to be ___________.
519. Gray water that enters a collection reservoir must be ________.
520. Which of the following is required to use with gray water collected in a reservoir?
521. Under what circumstances can nonpotable water piping be in the same trench as potable water piping?
522. In subsurface irrigation systems, what is the minimum depth of the aggregate placed above the drain piping?
523. Which of the following is not permitted to be installed with a gray water storage tank overflow pipe?
524. When water pressure in a reclaimed water system is in excess of ______ psi a pressure reducing valve is required to be installed to reduce the pressure to a level below the maximum allowable pressure.
525. Overflow pipes are required to be installed on every gray-water collection reservoir. As a working plumber you must demonstrate the ability to size this overflow pipe. For this example, assume that the discharge pipe conveying gray water to a collection reservoir has a 3-inch diameter and the maximum capacity of the water supply line to the tank is 150-200 gallons per minute. What is the minimum diameter of an overflow pipe that you must install?
526. On which of the following will the estimation of gray water discharge be based?
527. What minimum size filter must be used with on-site treated nonpotable water utilized for water closet and urinal flushing?
528. What is the maximum amount of time that untreated gray water is allowed to be retained for use to flush a toilet or urinal?
529. Which of the following is a design consideration for the installation of a subsurface irrigation system?
530. You are spacing out the subsurface irrigation piping into lines of pipe and initially place the piping two feet apart. What distance from center to center of the piping complies with the code?
531. You are constructing a subsurface irrigation system in a back yard that has a slope. Which of the following slopes are within the maximum limits for the grade of distribution piping in a nonpotable water subsurface irrigation system?
532. Licensed plumbers are required to know what forms of disinfection are allowable for the use with gray water that will be used to flush toilets and urinals. With this said, assuming that you are the plumber who has to decide what to use as a suitable and approved disinfection, which of the following would you choose?
533. Gray water is required to be dyed which of the following colors?
534. What should be done when specifications for a job require a gray-water flushing system for toilets and urinals, but the system could fall short of capacity requirements?
535. Is gray water used for subsurface landscape irrigation required to be dyed and, if so, with which color?
536. Subsurface irrigation systems that use gray water for irrigation are required to be installed at elevations which are higher than the surface grade of any potable water well.
537. What is the minimum horizontal distance that must be placed between a gray water storage tank and a water well?
538. Water piping used to distribute recycled gray water must be ________.
539. What is the maximum size of aggregate that is used when backfilling a seepage trench/filter in a subsurface irrigation field?
540. What is the minimum pipe diameter allowed for distribution piping in a subsurface irrigation system?
541. Recycled gray water may be used to supply the following fixtures, except:
542. Which of the following fixtures shall not discharge its waste into a gray water system?
543. What type test is used to determine the permeability of the soil for a proposed absorption system?
544. Storage tanks for rainwater that are in direct sunlight must be made of which of the following material?
545. When an overflow drain discharges to a storm drainage system, what must be installed on the overflow drain piping?
546. Rainwater catchment systems use _______________ to gather the water.
547. What is the minimum size distribution piping in a subsurface irrigation system?
548. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the use of gray water to supply systems for flushing toilets and urinals?
549. To calculate the daily discharge amount of gray water for residential use to size a subsurface absorption system, you must know the number of ___________________:
550. In residential applications for determining gray water flow demands for each occupant, the rate for each occupant using showers, bath tubs, and lavatories is _______ gallons per day.
551. What is the estimated flow demand, in gallons per day, for each occupant of a residential home for the use of clothes washer or laundry trays?
552. You are determining the minimum number of occupants in a residential home to assess the daily gray water discharge amount to size a subsurface absorption system. The home has four bedrooms. What is the total number of occupants for your formula?
553. You are calculating the daily discharge amount of gray water for residential use to size a subsurface gray water absorption system. Assume that a single-family residence has 4 occupants. The home has 1 shower, 2 bathtubs, 3 lavatories and 1 clothes washer. What is the total amount of gray water, per day, draining into the receptor?
554. You are sizing a subsurface absorption system and calculating the gray water discharge amount that can be expected at the single-family residence. Assume that the residence has 5 occupants. Only the clothes washer is connected to the gray water system. What is the total amount of gray water, per day, draining into the system?
555. In commercial applications, the gray water discharge estimated flow demand can be based on:
556. You are installing an irrigation disposal field from a gray water reservoir. What is the minimum horizontal distance that must be between the absorption area and building?
557. Gray water irrigation disposal fields should be a minimum horizontal distance of at least how many feet from a septic tank?
558. Water treatment is not required for gray water used for irrigation. Why is this the case?
559. You are installing a gray water adsorption field. Nearby is a water well. At a minimum, how far away from the water well does the gray water absorption disposal field need to be to be code compliant?
560. Potable water may be connected to a non-potable water source under what condition?
561. What color shall non-potable water pipes be marked?
562. You are installing a gray water irrigation disposal field. A stream runs into a lake near the owner's home. At a minimum, how far from the stream and lake must the disposal field be placed?
563. Which of the following must be provided to the building owner of a graywater reuse system by the system designer?
564. On what basis does a reclaimed water system need to have its backflow prevention assemblies inspected?

Fuel Gas

565. What type of gas piping fittings and connections may be concealed?
566. Gas piping installed in a laundry chute ____________.
567. When gas piping is installed outdoors and underground, the minimum amount of cover is:
568. Non-metallic gas piping installed underground must ____________.
569. Which of the following mediums is not allowed for use in testing gas pipe installations?
570. When a wet-gas system is installed, it is required to _____________.
571. What is the smallest pipe size that can be used with Schedule 40 metallic piping in fuel gas systems?
572. When flow controls are installed on gas piping, they _____________.
573. You are installing a cooking range that uses fuel gas and must install a shutoff valve. Which of the following designs comply with the code for installation of shutoff valves with an appliance?
574. What type plastic can be used for fuel gas piping?
575. How should approved polyethylene plastic fuel gas piping be marked?
576. You have completed a minor repair on a cooking range fuel gas line that has already been in service. Which of the following is the next step?
577. Natural gas systems must be able to be tested, inspected and approved by the plumbing authority. A natural gas line in a single-family home is being tested. Which of the following time periods meet the duration requirement for the tests under the code?


578. Which of the following is an improper faction?
579. Which of the following fractions is matched with an incorrect decimal?
580. What is the volume of a cylinder that is 8 inches in diameter and 12 inches high?
581. How many gallons will a tank hold if the tank contains 8,850 cubic inches?
582. How much fall would you need at 1/8 of an inch per foot fall in a 90 foot run?
583. The centerline of a pipe and fittings by which the pipeline is measured is known as the ________.
584. What is the pitch of a pipe with a run of 86 feet and a 1 foot drop?
585. A sewer is installed with a 2 percent fall per foot and has a run of 200 feet. How much drop will be required?
586. A sewer line has an offset of 6 feet and 1/8 bends are used for the offset. What is the length of pipe that you will need?
587. You are trying to locate the restroom wall that will receive the plumbing waste pipes. You refer to the plumbing drawing and note the scale is ... of an inch per foot. Your ruler measures a length of 14 ¼ inches and your scale indicates ... per foot fall. What is the length of the wall?
588. How many 4 inch pipes will it take to replace an 8 inch pipe?
589. What is the amount of lead needed to caulk 240 3 inch joints if each joint requires ¾ pounds of lead for each inch in diameter?
590. What is the angle made when you offset a sewer with a 1/8 bend?
591. What is the total pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) on a 6 inch diameter test plug with a water head of 15 feet?
592. Find the area of a plug with the diameter of 10 inches.
593. What is the pressure in pounds per square inch at the base of a 4 inch soil stack that is 45 feet in height?
594. What head of water will produce 35 psi?
595. Determine the pounds of pressure on a 4 inch test plug in a stack with a head of 17 feet of water.
596. A job requires 200 pounds of lead and you figure that there will be 6 percent waste. What is the total amount of lead you need to order?
597. Convert the faction 3/8 to a percentage.
598. Convert the faction 3/5 to a percentage.
599. You got a deal on lead that is 20% less than the going rate which is $150.00 for the quantity. How much will you pay for the lead?
600. Add the following fractions: 1 7/8 + 5 ¾ =
601. Subtract the following factions: 13 ½ - 9 ¼ =
602. Convert 0.625 to a fraction of an inch.
603. You have an offset of 24 inches and you are making a 45° offset. What is the travel length?
604. What angle is made when you offset a sewer with a 1/16 bend?
605. What is the circumference of a tank that is 32" in diameter?
606. How much does a full 50-gallon water heater weigh? (assume the heater weighs 210 lbs. empty)

Journeyman Plumber Practice Test Questions

Master Plumber Practice Test Sample Questions

Plumbing Practice Test Sample Questions

Quality starts with who wrote the material.
Our practice exam writer
Dodge Woodson
 was a master plumber and gas fitter for over 30 years. He built his own plumbing business and has trained countless plumbers. In addition to being a field plumber and contractor, Woodson served as adjunct faculty at Central Maine Technical College where he taught both plumbing licensing preparation courses and plumbing apprenticeship courses. As R. Dodge Woodson, he is a best-selling author and is the most prolific plumbing author in print with McGraw-Hill. He is often referred to as America’s Plumber.

Charles Redecker
 was a master plumber instructor and education director with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. Charles taught plumbing with the NCCER for over 10 years. Prior to working with the NCCER, Charles taught plumbing at the Rankin Technical College. Charles owned and run various plumbing businesses since 1979 in St. Louis, Missouri.

John Richardson
 is a master plumber who has been in the plumbing business since 1977. He is a certified continuing education instructor for plumbing in Texas and teaches CPE classes to journeyman and master plumbers to renew their licenses. John holds a B.A. degree in English from Texas A&M University. He owns State-Wyed Plumbing and Septic in Katy, Texas.

Terry Lunt
 is a plumbing and master craft instructor with Associated Builders and Contractors in Southern California. He has also been a core curriculum instructor and subject matter expert in plumbing with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. Terry has worked in the plumbing industry for over 30 years.

Joseph Cromwell
 is a master plumber in Illinois and Indiana. He was a continuing education instructor and apprentice instructor for over twenty years with the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters.