2024 Edition

NCLEX-RN Certification Test

A Free NCLEX-RN Practice Exam... 

To become a certified or licensed registered nurse, you will have to take the NCLEX-RN.

The actual NCLEX exam includes these categories: Basic Nursing Care, Management and Practice Directives, Preventing Risks and Complications, Caring for Acute and Chronic Conditions, Safety, Mental Health, Pharmacology and Growth and Development.

To prepare for your RN licensure exam, see the complete Practice Exam for the NCLEX-RN with 750 questions, written by nursing experts and medical writers.

Take this free practice exam to get a sample of the types of questions that are on the NCLEX-RN exam.


Basic Nursing Care

1. A client has fallen asleep in his bed in the hospital. His heart rate is 65 bpm, his muscles are relaxed, and he is difficult to arouse. Which stage of the sleep cycle is this client experiencing?
2. A nurse is preparing to irrigate a client's indwelling catheter through a closed, intermittent system. Which of the following steps must the nurse take as part of this process?
3. Which of the following statements best describes footdrop?

Management and Practice Directives

4. Which of the following may be a cultural barrier that impacts a nurse's ability to provide care or education to the client?
5. Mr. K is admitted to the orthopedic unit one morning in preparation for a total knee replacement to start in two hours. Which of the following is a priority topic to instruct this client on admission?
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6. Which of the following is an example of a living will?

Preventing Risks and Complications

7. A nurse is preparing to draw a blood specimen from an adult client's central line. All of the following actions for this procedure are correct EXCEPT:
8. Which of the following interventions is necessary before insertion of an arterial line into the radial artery?
9. A nurse is caring for an 83-year old man who has had swallowing difficulties. All of the following interventions are appropriate for this client EXCEPT:

Caring for Acute or Chronic Conditions

10. A nurse is caring for a 2-day old infant who has a bilirubin level of 19 mg/dl. The physician has ordered phototherapy. Which of the following actions indicates correct preparation of the infant for this procedure?
11. Which of the following clients is most appropriate for receiving telemetry?
12. Which of the following descriptions best describes the function of the thyroid gland?


13. A physician has ordered that a client must be placed in a high Fowler's position. How does the nurse position this client?
14. A nurse has just started a transfusion of packed red blood cells that a physician ordered for a client. Which of the following signs may indicate a transfusion reaction?
15. Which of the following constitutes the five "rights" of medication administration?

Mental Health

16. Which of the following is an example of an opioid?
17. An increase in the neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with which of the following illnesses?
18. Which of the following is an example of passive aggression?


19. Which of the following medications is an example of an adjuvant drug?
20. Which is the most appropriate muscle site for an intramuscular injection for a 9-month old child?
21. Which of the following is more likely to occur with aging as a complication of medication administration?

Growth and Development

22. Which of the following best describes the cognitive development of an 18-month old child?
23. A nurse is examining a 36-hour old infant when she notices the child's skin has a yellowish tint. The yellow skin appears on the baby's face and chest but the skin on the feet and legs appears pink. What is the next action of the nurse?
24. Which of the following is a potential complication associated with precocious puberty?

NCLEX-RN Practice

Quality starts with who wrote the material.
Our practice exam writer
Eileen Johnson, RN, MSN
is a registered nurse and medical writer who has worked in nursing for over 20 years. Eileen was an item writer for the Board of Certification of Emergency Nursing.

Alene Burke, RN, MSN
is a registered nurse since 1976. She is a multidisciplinary nursing educator who has taught nurses for the last 25 years and developed college level curriculum.

Chelsea Homich, RN, MSN
is a nurse educator at the Pittsburgh Technical Institute where she teaches nursing students foundational nursing courses.

Meg Brannagan, RN, BSN
is a medical writer, specializing in courses and curriculum designed for practicing nurses. She has practiced clinical nursing and medical writing for over 12 years.