Become a Certified Fluent in Spanish (CFS)™ online. Earn Your Credential and Gain an Advantage.
Ideal for schools, colleges, businesses and other organizations for use in training, education and assessment.
Exam Format - Questions in multiple-choice; short answer; and written essay format. Also includes a Skype or Facetime based oral interview.
Exam Outline:
Lectura Y Comprensión
Selecciona La Palabra
Acentos Y Puntuación
Sinónimos Y Antónimos
Preguntas Para Ensayo
For more information on the application requirements and testing procedures and policies, see the CFS Candidate Handbook.
Certification Exam Development Team - Includes Spanish Educators and is led by a native Spanish speaker with a PhD in Linguistics. Overseen by a team of PhD and Masters degreed psychometricians to ensure validity, fairness and reliability of the exam.
Exam Fee: $95.00 + Online Proctor Fee: $25.00