Massachusetts Plumbing Exams

The Massachusetts Plumbing License Exam covers many topics including: Vents & Venting; Administrative Procedures; Fixtures; Drainage Systems and more. Whether you live in Boston, Lowell, Worcester or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started:
Prepare to Pass the Actual Plumbing Exam:
600 Plumber Exam Questions, Flash Cards, and Testing Tips
Need of a License: Journeyman and master plumbers need a license to work in Massachusetts.
Who Grants a License: Plumbing licenses are issued by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Plumbers and Gas Fitters.
Procedures for Getting a License: A candidate for a journeyman or a master plumbing license must take and pass a written exam.
For detailed information about the master exam, see the master candidate information sheet.
For detailed information about the journeyman exam see the journeyman candidate information sheet.
Test Content for both Master and Journeyman: The test is divided into 2 parts including a written exam and a practical and the candidate is given 160 minutes to complete each part. The test is a closed book examination. The written test for both master and journeyman has the following general topics with number of questions:
General Regulations, Inspections and Permits - 9
Gas Piping, Equipment and Appliances - 21
Venting - 12
Traps and Cleanouts - 2
Fixtures, Equipment and Clearances - 2
Water Heaters - 3
Water Supply - 6
Hangers and Supports - 2
Drain, Waste and Vent - 13
Separators, Interceptors and Grease Traps - 5
Joints and Connections - 5
Qualifications to take the Journeyman Plumber Exam and receive a License: A candidate must meet minimum standards for education and experience to take the exam and qualify for a journeyman plumber license. See 248 CMR 11.00 Education and Experience Standards and Requirements for Licensure.
Qualifications to take the Master Plumber Exam and receive a License: A candidate must have held a journeyman license for at least 1 year and must have completed 1,700 hours of work actively engaged or in the business of installing, repairing or maintaining plumbing and gasfitting systems, apparatus, devices, fixtures or other appliances typical of the plumbing and gasfitting industry. The candidate must also provide the Board with documentation showing the completion of the 110 hour tier five of the five tier educational program approved by the Board. Candidates who completed this program as an apprentice do not have to complete any additional educational requirements.
Who Administers the Test: PSI Examination Services
How to Apply for the Exams: To apply to take the exams, contact PSI online or at (800) 733-9267.
Fees: There are fees to take the test.
License Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every two years. Plumbers must complete 12 hours of continuing education as a condition of renewal.
Applicable Code: Massachusetts follows the Uniform State Plumbing Code, 248 CMR 10.00.
For more information on licensing and exam preparation, go to's
Journeyman Plumbing Test Guide
And take's Plumbing Practice Test.
Prepare to Pass the Actual Plumbing Exam:
600 Plumber Exam Questions, Flash Cards, and Testing Tips