Georgia Plumbing Exams

The Georgia Plumbing License Exam covers many topics including: Vents & Venting; Administrative Procedures; Fixtures; Drainage Systems and more. Whether you live in Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started:
Prepare to Pass the Actual Plumbing Exam:
600 Plumber Exam Questions, Flash Cards, and Testing Tips
Need of a License: Journeyman and master plumbers need a license to work in Georgia. A master plumber license is needed to contract for plumbing services. A journeyman license is required to install, maintain, alter or repair plumbing under the supervision of a master plumber.
Who Grants a License: The plumbing trade is regulated by the Division of Master Plumbers and Journeyman Plumbers of the Georgia State Construction Industry Board.
Qualifications to take the Exam and receive a License: A candidate for journeyman plumber must have at least 3 years experience. A candidate for master plumber must have at least 5 years experience, 2 years of which were as a licensed journeyman plumber, plumbing contractor, plumbing foreman, plumbing superintendent or military plumber. A candidate for Class II non-restricted master plumber must have experience with commercial and industrial plumbing.
Procedures for Getting a License: A candidate must take an exam to obtain either a journeyman or master plumbing license.
How to Apply for the Test: An application for a plumbing license must be received by the Board at least 60 days before the examination date. The application and other information may be found online at AMP or at the Construction Industry Board website. A candidate information bulletin may be found online as well.
Test Content: The journeyman test has 100 questions and the candidate has 5 hours to complete the test. The master plumber exams (Class I and II) have 80 questions and the candidate has 7 hours to complete the test. A scaled score of 70 is needed to pass the exams.
Test Administrator: AMP
Fees: There are fees to take the test.
License Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every two years. Plumbers must complete at least 4 hours of continuing education per year as a condition to renewal.
Applicable Code: Georgia has adopted the International Plumbing Code developed by the International Code Council.
For more information on licensing and exam preparation, go to's
Journeyman Plumbing Test Guide
And take's Plumbing Practice Test.
Prepare to Pass the Actual Plumbing Exam:
600 Plumber Exam Questions, Flash Cards, and Testing Tips