Arizona Plumbing Exams

The Arizona Plumbing License Exam covers many topics including: Vents & Venting; Administrative Procedures; Fixtures; Drainage Systems and more. Whether you live in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tucson or another city or county, the resources below will help you get started:
Need of a License: A plumber needs a contractor's license to work in Arizona.
Who Grants a License: The plumbing trade is regulated by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.
Procedures for Getting a License: A candidate for a plumbing contractor license must take and pass an exam covering business and trade knowledge unless a waiver is available. Detailed information about the test is provided in a Candidate Information Bulletin.
Qualifications to take the Exam and receive a License: A candidate must have at least 4 years of verifiable work experience to take the exam.
Who Administers the Test: PSI Exams
How to Apply for the Test: You can register to take the exam online at PSI Exams or by calling 1-800-733-9267.
Test Content: The Business Management part of the exam consists of 80 questions and the candidate is given 180 minutes to complete the test. A score of 70% is needed to pass. The exam will have the following content and number of questions:
Business Management - 6
Licensing Laws and Rules - 6
Estimating and Bidding - 10
Contracts and Agreements - 10
Project Management - 10
Insurance and Bonding - 6
Safety, Record Keeping and Reporting - 5
Labor Laws and Employment Regulations - 6
Financial Management - 8
Tax Laws - 5
Liens - 4
Environmental Laws and Regulations - 4
Fees: There are fees to take the test.
License Renewal: Licenses must be renewed every two years. There is no continuing education requirement.
Applicable Code: Arizona has adopted the International Plumbing Code developed by the International Code Council.
For more information on licensing and exam preparation, go to's
Journeyman Plumbing Test Guide
And take's Plumbing Practice Test.
Prepare to Pass the Actual Plumbing Exam:
600 Plumber Exam Questions, Flash Cards, and Testing Tips